1. Louis Theroux - Louis And The Nazis (2003, 79min): Louis Theroux, innocently looking explorer of social phenomena and fringe groups in the USA, this time ventures into the world of "White Pride/Separatism" (Neo-Nazism). He visits Tom Metzger, a former leading member of the Ku Kux Klan in California who feels himself more in tune now with the Skinhead movement and has ideas about becoming someone of international significance in the right-wing scene. Louis Theroux's second investigation explores the life of April Gaede and her two twin daughters Lynx and Lamb who form the "White Power" duo "Prussian Blue" (the lack of this chemical in the gas chambers of Nazi slaughter camps was explained by Holocaust deniers to be proof of their viewpoint that no industrial scale executions could have happened there). In the end Louis Theroux confronts Tom Metzger and April Gaede with his own take on their somewhat extraordinary view of the world. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395644/ 2. Nazi Pop Twins - Prussian Blue (2007, 49min): Unlike "Louis and the Nazis" this documentary focuses exclusively on the Gaede family with April Gaede as the Arian activist mother and her daughters Lynx and Lamb at the center. This allows James Quinn to dig a little deeper than Theroux and reveal serious tensions in the family when it becomes more and more apparent that the pop duo does not share their mother's passion for openly expressing extremly divisive views on ethnic issues. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1073131/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Pop_Twins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_Blue_(American_duo)